What's New?

DLM 810 April 2021

  • Daybook Options - To ensure task alerts are not missed, the default for Display alerts for is now 0, resulting in alerts not disappearing until manually closed, update if required:

    See Start Up and Alerts for details.
  • Reject Task - The message that displays when you reject a task has been updated to clarify the action:

  • Patient column - For new Vision 3 users, the Patient column is now, by default, to the left of your screen immediately after the Description column.

    Remember - For existing users, you can simply change the order of columns to match your requirements, simply, click, hold and drag the columns as required.
  • Bulk Actions - You can now select more than one task at a time to apply the same action, simply hold down the Ctrl key and select the tasks required, right click and select from the available options:

    • Mark as read/unread

    • Complete

    • Withdraw

    • Accept/Decline

    • Select category

    • Add comment

England Only

  • Automatic Completion of Tasks - England only - As you are aware, a task is created when a ACS or PDS mismatch is detected, see Daybook and SCR for details. From Vision 3 release DLM 810, if you do not resolve a mismatch and defer the request to update, Daybook completes the previous task and creates a new one. When you resolve the mismatch, all related outstanding tasks complete. This results in there only ever being one mismatch task per patient.

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